
Starting to meditate doesn’t have to be difficult, but it’s easier if you have a plan. Here are 5 steps to start and stick to a meditation practice:

1️⃣ Schedule a specific time during the day to do it: I prefer early mornings, before the kids are awake and the day starts. I feel it sets me up for the day. But if you are waking up during the night or you are not a morning person, then before bed is my other go-to option. The kids are in bed and I can relax and prepare my body for a restful night.

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2️⃣Pick a space: anywhere you can sit down comfortably is good. Because 👏you👏don’t 👏need 👏a 👏meditation👏mat 👏. You can meditate on a chair, your sofa, your bed. Whatever is more comfortable where you can keep your back straight.

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3️⃣Choose a short guided meditation: Guided meditations are best for beginners and even non-beginners (I still love them!). You can relax and let yourself go into your meditation without “worrying” about the time. You can only dedicate 10 mins to your practice? That’s great a 10 minute guided meditation will keep you to that time. If you want to start with deep breaths and some music – go for it.

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4️⃣Use an Eyemask: Why do I recommend an eyemask and not a meditation mat? I think at the beginning an eyemask will help you relax and zone out more than a mat. An eyemask is the one thing I travel with everywhere, it can turn a bright room into a meditation zone in seconds .

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5️⃣Take 3 deep breaths (longer exhales) in gratitude before starting: think of this as your permission to relax and enjoy your meditation. Remember this time isn’t a chore or something you “have” to do. It’s a relaxing time you are gifting yourself. As you are breathing, smile thinking about how great it is to be able to take this time for you, how grateful you are for those moments. When you do this, you will be sending signals to your body to relax AND filling it with gratitude, which is THE best place to start your meditations.

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Are you struggling to start? Send me a DM on my Instagram account or Facebook Page, would love to help! ❤️

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