Transform your Child’s Confidence in 5 minutes: The Surprising Power of Affirmations

Transform your Child’s Confidence in 5 minutes: The Surprising Power of Affirmations In the fast-paced world of parenting, it’s easy to overlook the power of simple words. Affirmations, positive statements to encourage self-empowerment and emotional wellbeing, can be transformative tools for our children. This guide is dedicated to helping you, their loving parent, know how […]
Daily mantras for moms The words we say out loud and to ourselves matter, a lot! Even if we whisper them to ourselves or merely think about it, it could mean the difference between putting ourselves down or raising ourselves up! Be kind to yourself and use these mantras when you are feeling overwhelmed: 👉🏼I […]
Reasons to be thankful as a Mom

Thankfulness as a Mom Whether you’re just starting your journey or already experienced, being a mom is both hard and rewarding! It’s an honor being able to raise my precious children.. There are so many reasons to be thankful and here are some I’d love to share: No matter how many times I feel like […]
What Mom Stress May Look Like

Mom Stress Being a mom is not easy! Sometimes we don’t realize that our bodies are under chronic stress. So look out for these symptoms: Mom Stress An “always feeling tired” feeling – or “mom fatigue”- if you are always tired – it is not normal – (always chat with your doctor first! But if […]
The Part We Never Expect When We Teach Kids About Meditation and Mindfulness

Teaching Kids Meditation My eldest said this to me this week 😱. In the past this would’ve made me angrier (i.e. triggered me even more). This is the part we never expect when we teach kids about meditation and mindfulness… that THEY will be the ones calling us out when we are taking our emotions […]
You Don’t Have To Wait Until Your child Has Depression or Anxiety To Introduce Them to Meditation

Proactive Meditation for Children Unfortunately most of the parents that reach out to me are parents of kids who are already suffering from anxiety, depression or stress. And It’s normal, their child is in pain and suffering, they want to help, I would do the same in their situation. who wouldn’t ? What I would […]
4 Ways To Reconnect With Your Kids When They Are Upset

Here are 4 ways to reconnect with your kids when they are upset: 1️⃣ Ask if its ok to give them a hug (and then hold them until they let go!) – We always assume that people in pain want to be hugged. Sometimes our kids may just be plain angry (that doesn’t mean they are […]
5 Easy Steps To Start a Consistent Meditation Practice

Starting to meditate doesn’t have to be difficult, but it’s easier if you have a plan. Here are 5 steps to start and stick to a meditation practice: Schedule a specific time during the day to do it: I prefer early mornings, before the kids are awake and the day starts. I feel it sets […]
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became A Mom

I don’t know why we don’t talk about this more, and to be honest I could break these into so many subsections from pregnancy to postpartum to the first few years of life. Before I became a mom I knew things would change, I didn’t know just HOW MUCH they would change. And when […]
Why Having Friends Is Essential For Mother’s Well-Being

Last week I met up with a group of girlfriends for the first time before my daughter was born. For the last four months, I stayed at home because I was either too big (near the end of the pregnancy) or still adjusting to being a new mum again. As we sat there, laughing and […]