The Challenge All Mothers Know: Breastfeeding

About two months ago, we welcomed a healthy baby girl into this world (she is the main reason I’ve been quiet here for a while). It had been a very much wanted, anticipated and planned pregnancy. Being a second-time mum, I prepared myself mentally and let go of any expectations surrounding the birth. I just […]
How To Stop Yourself From “Losing It” With Your Child?

How many times a day do you lose it? With your kids, with your spouse, with strangers on the street, with a neighbour, or even with the TV. This question isn’t about making you feel bad about losing it, because we all do, but rather to help you become aware of how […]
How To Manage Stress As a Parent

When you’ve told someone that you feel stressed either at work or home because you were a new mom, what have you been told? Let me have a few guesses: “You just need a holiday.” “Have a massage.” The issue with these ‘go-to’ recommendations is that they imply that stress will only go away when […]